
Hi! Thank you for checking out my work! 

As a graphic designer and ceramic designer residing in San Francisco, California. I currently focus on and working on visual systems, typography, and digital media. 

My ceramic art family inspired me to know more about art and design. Because my mother was a graphic design teacher at Shandong Art University, so that makes me decided to learn more in the graphic design field. I found my passion during the MA graphic design program at the Academy of Art University, and that makes me develop more in the graphic design field. My strongest passion is to create visual systems that fascinate people and make unique feelings. Also, typography is my favorite because I extremely enjoy design small details to make people easy and enjoyable to read. In addition, I have ability about motion graphic, UI/UX design, and additional knowledge to help my career successful. I love the guitar and piano, road trips, and many different kinds of foods.

If you are interested in my work or would like to collaborate, please don't hesitate to contact me!